
Josie Dovidio, DDS, RYT-500


I have been a dentist since 1997 and I have the posture to prove it. I took a 4-year sabbatical from clinical dentistry to “straighten things out”.

During my sabbatical, I completed one of the items on my bucket list – I became a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). I loved what I was learning so much, I went on to complete an advanced yoga teacher certification (RYT-500).

Because I saw the value of wellness practices for optimal living, I earned my Wellness Consulting Certificate through Cornell University. I now help dentists enjoy their life in dentistry (without sacrificing their bodies and minds) through 1:1 wellness consulting via my signature program: Crown of Wellness from Burnout to Breakthrough.

As a dentist, I was a guest on several dental industry podcasts. I had such a great time on those shows that it sparked a flame in me. I have hosted two podcasts, Yoga for Dentists and Josieology, which you can find on your favorite podcast listening app!

I now also work as a clinical dentist at one of the the VA Medical Centers in Southern California. I consider it a privilege to use my dental skills to serve the men and woman of our military.

I am a wife to a supportive man who didn’t seem too surprised when I woke one day and said "I think I'm going to take a break from dentistry and become a Yoga Teacher for dentists.”

Two people call me mom, and even though they’re young adults now, I still have days where I get surprised, “Oh yeah, that’s me!”

As a gluten-free eater (not by choice, I’m Sicilian for Pete’s sake), I often eat lunch and dinner foods for breakfast (including leftovers) and wish everyone could experience this freedom.

I love reading and learning new things. Therefore, I always have multiple books in progress. I guess I have literary ADD. See some of the books I recommend by clicking here.

I love routine. Until I’m bored, then I love excitement. Until I’m overwhelmed, then I love routine.

I am an extroverted introvert, which means I’ll either talk your ear off like I’ve had 7 cups of coffee or I’m in silent observation of the intricacies of humanity. There is really no in-between.

I have been in a legit parade on Bourbon Street, New Orleans (marching band, police escorts, the works!) and I didn’t have to flash anyone to make it happen.

I have an extreme fondness for gifs and memes. Share your favorites with me on the Yoga for Dentists Facebook Group or Instagram. You just might see yours appear there!

I am a flawed human, saved by grace, and with that comes joy, pain, ecstasy, grief, gratitude, and days of just … blah.

Who I am is continually evolving – and that, to me, is the most exciting part!

Heather Zak-Ramsay, DMD

General Dentist, Virginia

“Josie has a way of calming down my nervous energy while teaching me how to do this for myself.”

Tiffany Fritz, DDS

General Dentist, Colorado

"Through Josie’s experience as a female dentist, mom, business owner, and yoga instructor she has given me suggestions and wisdom to guide me through whatever I am struggling or wrestling with personally and professionally."

Iman Ayoubi, DDS

General Dentist, Virginia

"Josie provides a clear path and valuable tools; teaching her students to navigate their personal and professional lives with purpose."