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Crown of Wellness Testimonial | Dr. Gina Biedermann

Dr. Gina Biedermann Testimonial

September 22, 20233 min read

"I was impressed with Josie’s approach. She gets to the core of how you operate as a person. She incorporates methods that other coaches do not use to help you to get past your issues and concerns." - Dr. Biedermann

Client Testimonial: Gina Biedermann, DDS
General Dentist, Texas

"I have been practicing dentistry for almost 28 years. I have worked in 4 states as a dentist. With my husband and his career, we have moved many times over the years. We have three children. I have owned my own practice for just over the last 5 years. To say that life brings change and adjustments is pretty accurate.

Crown of Wellness Testimonial | Gina Biedermann, DDS

I have always loved the practice of dentistry. I have noticed that over the past five to six years that maybe I am living a life of a dentist, yet now living my life. I could never find the time to do anything outside of dentistry that I wanted to do because of the practice.

I was quickly becoming burnt out and bitter after I purchased my practice. Yes, I was proud of this wonderful accomplishment that I waited my whole life to have, but it came with a huge price. Learning to manage it all and try to have a life quickly became so overwhelming that I could not figure this all out on my own. I knew that I could not continue of this path, so I looked into various coaches.

Josie knows what we are going through as dentists. She understands our struggles with our practice, running our home, and working with our team members. She has been in our shoes. She has faced burnout herself. She knows what the underlying issues are with burnout to help guide you to where you can pull yourself up and get through the tough stuff. She does not do the work for you. She teaches you how to get through the issues. You develop the tools that you need to get you through the stresses in your life. Once you have the tools, you will always have the tools. I was impressed with Josie’s approach. She gets to the core of how you operate as a person. She incorporates methods that other coaches do not use to help you to get past your issues and concerns. Through all of her methods, you learn how to live your life again. You learn how to take care of yourself again. You learn how to be at peace again. You accomplish all of this in such a rewarding way that you do not want the program to end.

My family, friends and team have all noticed the change in me. Josie’s program is a program that changes your life so that you can live your life and have your life back. It is the best thing that I have done for myself and I know that I will be seeing more results as time goes on. You owe it to yourself to look into this program. It will change your life."

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