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Dr. Heather Zak-Ramsay

Dr. Heather Zak-Ramsay Testimonial

January 23, 20233 min read

“What I love about this program is it isn't changing me or my high-energy ways of doing life, but I am learning skills to use my energy more efficiently.” - Dr. Zak-Ramsay

Client Testimonial: Heather Zak-Ramsay, DMD
General Dentist, Virginia

"I am a dentist of 20 plus years who bought an existing dental practice 18 years ago and a mom of 3 boys. When I heard about the Crown of Wellness program, I felt overworked, stressed, and I was in a constant feeling of overwhelm at my office and at home.

Crown of Wellness Testimonial | Heather Zak-Ramsay, DMD

A few months prior to this program I was working 12 hour days 7am-7pm for 9 months and coming in at least one weekend day to catch up. I realized that this busyness was not sustainable, but I wasn’t sure what to do or where to seek help. I was constantly feeling burned out, resentful of my employees, I was annoyed all the time lashing out at my children, telling my husband I wasn’t sure if I could continue working in my office, I was daydreaming of the day I could retire because I had had enough of all the pressures. My patience was shot. Everything turned into a big deal and I felt like I was always drowning, barely keeping my head above water. Thinking back, most of my life I felt like this and my stress level was growing.

I eventually outsourced some tasks and cut back some hours. I was thinking about hiring a life coach although I wasn't sure what they did or how they would help or a dental consultant, but I kept thinking after interviewing them, that my problems were not going to be fixed and I saw new stressors coming into play. I still felt like these fixes were lacking something I needed but I wasn't sure what it was.

I saw Josie speak at the MDIB Summit in Dallas. Her story made me realize the way I was handling my office wasn't healthy and the burnout was affecting all areas of my life. I wasn't really sure what to expect with the Crown and Wellness Program but I decided to try it.

Within the past month and a half doing the Crown and Wellness program I have learned to take control of my life and not let my life control me. Friends, family, and employees have also noticed the change in me. I am more productive and I am able to tackle my to-do lists with ease and stress-free. What I have accomplished in the past 6 weeks is mind-blowing. I have a new outlook on what I want out of my life and why I want what I want. I am calm, happy, and I feel like I have the ability to handle difficult situations and not avoid them. I have discovered who I am and I have a clear vision of where I am going.

Josie has a way of calming down my nervous energy while teaching me how to do this for myself. What I love about this program is it isn't changing me or my high-energy ways of doing life, but I am learning skills to use my energy more efficiently. I am much more of a peaceful person now. I now have the confidence to reach my potential and find time for myself both personally and professionally while becoming a better dentist by serving my patients more efficiently and thoroughly. I am a better mother because I am not rushing or bringing home my stress from the office. I am present with my family. I can not imagine retiring now. Maybe one day but I am enjoying my work again. It fulfills me and makes me happy.

If you are overworked, overstressed, tired of dentistry because it is too stressful on your body and mind, if you are about to give up and leave the profession, I encourage you to join this program and reap the amazing life-changing ways to live your life to its fullest potential."

Hear Dr. Zak-Ramsay Describe Her Crown of Wellness Experience

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