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Crown of Wellness Testimonial | Dr. Tiffany Fritz

Dr. Tiffany Fritz Testimonial

January 30, 20232 min read

"My husband, kids, and extended family have seen the change within me of how I can handle life and stresses in a different way..." - Dr. Fritz

Client Testimonial: Tiffany Fritz, DDS
General Dentist, Colorado

"Josie Dovidio’s Crown of Wellness Burnout to Breakthrough Program has been an amazing experience, and I feel like we just got started! I really didn’t know what to expect of the program before getting started, but decided I would give something different a try. I felt like I had been in the thick of reading, listening or trying whatever measures I could come up with on the self help journey but still could see myself in the mode of burnout, fatigue and not feeling like I was making the progress I had wanted for myself. I watched the introductory video and thoughts came to me of identifying with feeling burnt out as Josie described and curious how my life could improve. 

Crown of Wellness Testimonial | Tiffany Fritz, DDS

Without a doubt, I am thankful that the curiosity was within me to seek help from a coach and began the program with an open mind and heart. Josie has delivered more than I could have ever asked for by giving me techniques to calm and slow my mind and body down. Most of us dentist’s run on fast thinking, information overload, decision fatigue, body aches and pains and the list could go on. This program is different from others that I have heard about, through weekly assignments, videos, time to reflect and design a vision, yoga, meditation, accountability calls individually and in a group my life has been transformed!

Through Josie’s experience as a female dentist, mom, business owner, and yoga instructor she has given me suggestions and wisdom to guide me through whatever I am struggling or wrestling with personally and professionally. My husband, kids, and extended family have seen the change within me of how I can handle life and stresses in a different way and are beyond proud of the work I am doing with Josie. I can’t thank her enough for being there for me each step of the way, and encouraging Breakthroughs within myself. I feel like a new person, happier from within, a more confident leader in my practice, and have a clearer vision of who I want to be and where I want my life to go! This is a commitment to yourself, and takes time and energy to put in the work- but without a doubt the best decision I have made in the 14 years I have been practicing dentistry!" 

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Crown of Wellness Program

A 6-month immersive program designed to help lady dentists go from burnout to breakthrough

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