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Crown of Wellness Testimonial | Dr. Gina Biedermann

Dr. Valerie Holleman Testimonial

October 06, 20234 min read

"Josie, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and your amazing program. What you have helped me with in my life has forever changed me and there are not enough words that can express to you how much you mean to me and how much I love you!!"
- Dr. Holleman

Client Testimonial: Valerie Holleman, DDS
General Dentist, Oklahoma

“Let go of perfectionism, competition, image, being superhuman, and others’ standards to live your life authentically. Learning to let go takes time and practice; it also takes self-knowledge and awareness. Letting go can feel scary, so it can help if we remind ourselves that letting go means we gain the priceless gifts of inner wisdom and of knowing ourselves more deeply.” - Crown of Wellness

Crown of Wellness Testimonial | Valerie Holleman, DDS

"As a successful practicing dentist of over 18 years, wife of over 17 years, and a mom of over 14 years, I get it. The burnout is REAL. In the eyes of so many, we are expected to be perfect, work and play competitively and have great sportsmanship at the same time, enhance and grow our image for our practice and try not to eff that all up with a little mistake that we did or said in public or on social media, be superhuman for the sake of our family so that the house is clean and tidy when we get home from a long day at the office or so that your family doesn’t starve bc now you have to whip up something from the groceries that you had purchased and don’t want to go to waste but you are so damn tired or that they don’t die from your evil glares bc you’re so exhausted and live to see the next day, or finally, live up to these crazy high standards of being that perfect superhuman set by our patients, dental team, peers, and family. IT. IS. EXHAUSTING. 

After COVID hit, shit really went downhill, and really fast. I just didn’t want to do this anymore; my mind, my body, and my heart just couldn’t take it anymore; my family couldn’t take it anymore. I was at that point of throwing up my hands, consider selling the practice, and getting out of dentistry, or at least the owning of it. An opportunity that was looking pretty good now popped up that would allow me to teach dentistry to newbies, something that I rather enjoyed doing. But I knew I needed to do something to get myself out of this burnout or I wouldn’t survive. I knew what needed to be done too, but the truth is, I didn’t REALLY know, let alone implement it back into my life. 

One day as I was aimlessly scrolling through the ⭕️MDIB page, I came upon a post from another mommy dentist with a very similar story to me, living the stressful life. I read through the comments and saw many about Josie Di Giacinto Dovidio and her Crown of Wellness program, and how it took them from burnout to breakthrough. I thought to myself, well let’s try it, it couldn’t hurt right? And if this fails, at least I tried, and then I will get out and go teach.

Well, like all of the Crownies professed, it really is a life changer, IF you let it be. Knowing that I’m not alone with my struggles in being a dentist, mom, wife, friend, etc, etc, puts me more at peace. It’s hard to explain. I just know that my mind, body, and heart are less heavy, and even better, my family’s was too, since I had started this program and had met Josie and all of the other amazing mommy dentists. There are days that I still struggle but what I’ve learned with this program is getting me through it with much better ease. It wasn’t easy, and it’s a LONG process to undue the many years of trying to be perfect, trying to compete with the best, uphold an image, be superhuman, and living up to others’ standards. So now I continue to live for me, my husband, and my kids, my legacy, and NOT for dentistry, the practice, the patients, other people. Now it’s guilt-free; I am in a much happier place, livin’ the dream, still practicing dentistry successfully and “loving” it again, AND teaching on the side. It’s a win-win!

If you are beyond stressed, your struggle is real like mine was, and you are on the verge of burnout, go find Josie or watch this webinar, you won’t regret it: http://www.crownofwellness.com/enjoydentistrywebinar

Josie, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and your amazing program. What you have helped me with in my life has forever changed me and there are not enough words that can express to you how much you mean to me and how much I love you!! 😘😘"

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Crown of Wellness Program

A 6-month immersive program designed to help lady dentists go from burnout to breakthrough

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